Sunday 10 January 2016


Hey Ho! Another WOTD that I have never heard before; Cineaste, any person, especially a director, associated professionally with film-making.

Clearly that doesn't apply to me, but it got me thinking (but not too deeply on a Sunday night) about film-making and watching. Neil is much more likely than I both to make short video, and to watch them. I have probably watched 1/2 dozen YouTube clips in my life and somehow think I prefer the photograph, that frozen moment that you can scrutinise over and over again. There are some things, however, for which only a video will do. Here is Neil's Ice Bucket challenge (if you have forgotten, people had cold water poured over themsleves, put the video on facebook, then gave money to charity. Really)

 That was the highlight of my film-making.

Today it has rained almost constantly, after a hailstorm in the night. I have spent the day catching up on sleep and paperwork, and seeing the Wilkinsons to pass on the family's Christmas presents. I feel 60% better, whether this is due to the antibiotics or getting better anyway one will never know. TV, bed by 10pm

1 comment:

  1. I like film. Making and watching. It's given me some of the most memorable moments of my life.

    However, I do remember showing you the youtube clip "Brick in a washing machine" and watching how much you laughed. You should find more like this!
