Friday 8 January 2016


This WOTD relates to those who love sensuous pleasure or luxury. Sybaritic, I am told, comes from the Greek town of Sybaris where the inhabitants were renowned for this type of pleasure seeking:- 

The city was founded in 720 BC by Achaean and Troezenian settlers. Sybaris amassed great wealth thanks to its fertile land and busy port. Its inhabitants became famous among the Greeks for their hedonism, feasts, and excesses, to the extent that "sybarite" and "sybaritic" have become bywords for opulent luxury and outrageous pleasure-seeking.

Now, this really isn't me and it would be hard to see how I can weave this in to my day. Maybe I should give it a go - maybe a bit of opulent luxury on a Friday night would relieve the stresses of the working week, and set me up for the weekend. Except that bathing my mind in great music is more my style than bathing in a diamond-encrusted pool. I have been watching a series of programmes on TV about the lifestyle of billionaires. Many have a lifestyle that appears to be luxurious and carefree, but doesn't bear close scrutiny as it seems to be hollow and all about impressing others with gross excess. Real luxury isn't just about what you own, but is about being able to walk your own path and having time to enjoy the people and experiences you meet on the way. This was my luxury  
At the moment, luxury is being able to sleep through the night without a coughing fit. 
Chicken & prawn curry, ice cream. Music from Steven Wilson (only 17 days until that gig), Steve Hackett, Steve Rothery, Genesis. Ahhhhh, prog bliss.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea that luxury is personal and not a fixed thing. Brilliant stuff.
