Sunday 3 January 2016

Prepossessing sometimes fails to inform as well as it should and describes the origin of today's WOTD as 'prepossessing entered into the language in the 1600s'. That's not very illuminating. In fact, the online etymological dictionary agrees, but said that it originally meant 'to get possession of beforehand' in the idea of predjudicing you against someone. The current meaning 'causing an agreeable first impression' didn't start until 1810, and shows how words can completely change their meaning over time. 
Prepossessing is not an adjective you would apply to me at the moment as, not only am I as round as a football, but this evening one of my bridges fell out, so I am possessed only of a gappy smile. On top of this is the cough that I have had for a month and I feel quite wretched. 
I read my nephew Mark's blog (Brooklyntrek) and sometimes wish I had a dog to take for a walk, as I am sure that it would help me feel a bit more healthy. Unfortunately, it would have to be this dog, Rodeo, who already is much loved by Suzee & Allen.

I am finishing off the holiday season by a visit to the Panto tomorrow with Evie & Max, an inspired last-minute decision for an (almost) sold-out event. Then it's back to work and normality. 
Music tonight from Steven Wilson (got a gig to go to soon, so I need to do my homework), Police, Marillion. Early night.

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