Saturday 12 December 2015


Now, let's see if I am right..I think this WOTD literally means 'before the flood' and has come to mean very old. Now I shall look it up... HURRAH! I was right. Now of course, this means the great biblical flood, that alledgedly covered the whole world, but I guess there are some people in Cumbria at the moment who think that their whole world IS flooded. This is Carnforth railway station, the same Carnforth where Neil spent 2 glorious weeks of summer while I was living it up in Canada


I don't know whether flooding is a modern phenomenon, allied to global warming, but I certainly have never experienced this kind of attack by water. It seems to get in everywhere and ruin everything. I do have an extremely strong childhood memory (which is why it is one of the few remaining) relating to water. Our big old Victorian house at 4 Beulah Hill had no central heating (which is relevant), and probably plumbing that was quite elderly (which may not be). Very cold winter nights would cause the water in the pipes to freeze and burst the pipes, especially in the bathroom. The bathroom was situated above our music room.
Now I was usually the first person up in the mornings, and I would have to make my way upstairs and along the passage to the loo, passing said music room. Time and time again, I would hear the sound of water and open the door to see water pouring down the walls. I knew this was bad news. I don't remember what happened next, I suppose I woke a parent and it got sorted. Pipes were lagged in those days which I suppose is not necessary nowadays.

Today has been strange, as Neil has been in Folkestone, on standby for Kent Lifts while they have their work Xmas do. He is also invited to join in, unless he gets called to a breakdown. So I have been quietly getting on with some jobs here, and watching my favourite TV shows. I have eaten fruit and yogurt, chocolate & crisps. Not a very healthy dinner. Early to bed, as I am working in the morning. 

1 comment:

  1. Pipes were not lagged and were made of lead., which is why they froze and then split...

    I wrote a blog about it:
