Sunday 13 December 2015


This WOTD means of, or relating to the early morning, so I suppose you would talk about your matutinal cup of tea (or coffee). It comes from the word Matuta, the Roman goddess of the dawn, but it seems primarily to relate to those organisms that are active in the early hours. Here is the aptly-named 'Morning Glory'

I would regard myself as matutinal; always at my best on waking, which is usually about 6am and full of energy until about 2pm, after which I visibly sag. At the weekends, I often have a sleep at this time, sometimes for a couple of hours, which enables me to be more lively in the evening, should it be called for. I am no slug-a-bed, regarding the 'lie-in' as a waste of the best part of the day. Surprisingly, on the odd occasions when I have slept late, I feel no benefit from it, often feeling more sluggish than if I had risen early. 
I was certainly awake early this morning, as I had to be sure of being ready to leave for work at 8.30. I had an enjoyable session, working as part of a great team. This afternoon, Evie & Max came over and decorated our Christmas tree for us, the signal that the preparations for the festive season can begin. Christmas cards that have been arriving for the past 2 weeks were opened and replaced Neil's birthday cards which have had their moment of glory. The Christmas rope light has decided to stop working, Neil will have to fix that tomorrow, the place wouldn't be the same without their eerie green glow.
Sad to hear from Julia that Abby looks like she has reached the end of her road. I shall miss that little kitty.
Neil is back home, so we had a Sunday roast dinner, except that we had sausages because we had some to use up.  I finished off the wine, music from Steven Wilson & Steve Hackett, early to bed, couldn't sleep, up to write blog and try to calm my cough

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