Sunday 6 December 2015


This WOTD doesn't really suit me. Gambol means to skip about in play; to frolic. I always think that lambs 'gambol'; it is certainly not something that I would do, or indeed have ever done. My victorian-era father didn't really approve of physical activity for girls and we were never encouraged to have fun in this way. Fun was altogether more cerebral, which has affected me to this day. 
As a child,however,  I invented many dance routines, my favourite being the one to Tchaikovsky's Capriccio Italien, which you can find here. ( )

This was 15 minutes of sublime music to dance to, and I thought I was in my own little world, no-one knew of my dancing efforts. But just recently, Julia commented that, if our parents had been more concerned with us as individuals, rather than the family as a whole, they would have enrolled me in dance classes, as I was 'dancing all the time' ! it has only taken me 60 years to discover that Julia was aware of my little dances. Here I am dancing with my cousin Jochen at my 60th birthday party.

But this doesn't really count as 'gambolling' and I have grown up without wishing to gambol at all. But I still love to dance, and even to modern music I will work out a step routine, not just jiggle on the spot. 

8 members of the Steadman family met today for lunch to celebrate Roy's (29th Nov), Liz's (3rd Dec) and Neil's (8th Dec) birthdays. I am still full, and having watched some TV about narrow-guage steam railways (very interesting), I shall head for bed. Happy birthday also to the lovely Hindy Kennedy.

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