Monday 7 December 2015


I think I have heard this WOTD before, as it's what bees do - to buzz, or hum. Of course, it's not just bees that buzz and hum. Machinery does it all the time, even humans bombinate. I can always tell if Neil is contented, because he goes around the house humming tunes quietly. 

I rather like bees, and am quite pleased with my little bee tattoo, which is similar to the one below and I have had for about 20 years. It is just above my left breast, and although hidden for most of the time, I can (and do) show it to people if asked about it, without compromising my modesty.

Image result for cute bee tattoo 

Evie and Max were most surprised today to learn that I had a tattoo, and of course they wanted to see it. I have it because I am a Bea, and I like bees. I suppose my next one should be an elephant, but I couldn't do it in the correct ratio to the bee; it would have to be a miniature elephant.

I have had another lovely Monday, mostly doing Lift Man work and sorting out pile of papers. I fear they will never end. Max & Evie were rather over excited this evening; maybe it's the approaching Christmas holiday that is getting them rather wound up, but it was all good natured. 

Luxury fish cakes and salad, followed by fruit and yogurt. Very tasty dinner. Tomorrow is Neil's birthday and we are out for dinner, so may not be blogging at all. 

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