Sunday 20 December 2015


At this intensly celebratory time of year,  everybody thinks they are an oenophile, for this WOTD means 'a lover of wines' (from the Greek 'oinos' = wine). For example, nearly 200 people (including 12 from Informed Financial Advice) gathered at  Powdermills hotel near Battle for their Xmas Party night. I would say that we were not atypical in consuming 12 bottles of wine between us, as well as all the before-and-after-party drinks. So there were clearly plenty of oenophiles dancing the night away last night at Powdermills.

Image result for Powdermills Hotel 

However, another meaning for the WOTD is 'a connoisseur of wine' and if there were any of those there last night, I would be very surprised. I imagine the connoisseur drinking 1, maybe 2 glasses of excellent wine, chilled (or warmed) to exactly the correct temperature, from superb glasses in a sophisticated and peaceful environment. Not imbibing as much as you can in the shortest possible time and getting uncontrollably, schreechingly drunk by the end of the night. 
Fortunately, my colleagues all seemed to drink plenty without getting out of control, and I think a good time was had by all. I had to leave the party early, due to my uncontrollable cough and my sensitivity to the flashing disco lights, but was able to join them in the bar later.
We met again this morning for a tasty and filling breakfast, with some a little subdued, but most in good spirits. 

Today I have tried to rest to control my cough, I have helped Santa with his gift wrapping and generally tried to catch up on paperwork. By this time next week, all the Christmas furore will be over and we will be back from our first Christmas in a hotel. Now, we may see a couple of oenophiles there, who knows.

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