Wednesday 9 December 2015


Now would I have wanted to be a lexicographer? A compiler of dictionaries? I am sure my regular readers will know I am a great wordsmith, loving words, meanings of words, spellings, anagrams and all such associated pleasures. But compiling a dictionary is a difficult job, and these days each new word is discussed by a committee before it is, at last, added.

It was Julia who told me about a village in Dorset called Ryme Intrinseca. Now  the name means the inner, or home, part of the Ryme manor as opposed to the outer parts, once called Ryme Extrinseca.

Image result for Ryme Intrinseca 
But if I lived there, and was part of the 115 strong members of this village, surely everyone would make sure that they had everything intrinsically rhyming, but Julia says it was a quite unremarkable village, with not a rhyme in sight. Maybe they just got fed-up with it, with everyone making the same jokes about the name of the village. 

Maybe it would be like that if I were a lexicographer. Maybe I would lose sight of the fun in words, and just get bogged down with the job of researching and getting it right. I think I will just stick to crosswords.

Mind you, I had a busy day today, and managed to get 3 letters written, as well as a whole load of other stuff. Fish & chips for dinner. Jacob came and fitted Neil's Podium turntable plinth to the wall, which makes a huge difference - wooden floors and heavy people are not a good combination for a turntable. Fitting it to the wall has isolated all that unnecessary vibration.

I can even dance now, and you know how much I like that!

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