Sunday 8 November 2015


I can always remember the meaning of this word (easily broken) as it seems like a hybrid of fragile and breakable. Indeed, the words frangible and fragile come from the same latin root 'Frangere' meaning 'to break'. 
Today's chore was cleaning the conservatory. This has been the dumping ground for an assortment of bits and pieces whilst we have decorating going on, but things can now be sorted out. Lots of frangible stuff too; unwanted plates & teapots, pictures in and out of frames, Jacob's tiling paraphanelia. 
This was all done before going out to get the MG cleaned, and then mauka in time for the gathering in Westham.  It was a friendly, relaxed affair - a very good-natured bunch of people with more to talk about than just their cars. We ate bacon or egg rolls, drank tea, swapped vehicle information and anecdotes and generally socialised before travelling in convoy (I love that bit) to Beachy Head for a photo shoot and a natter in the pub. The weather was kind, and although overcast, it was dry and not windy.

Popped in to see the inlaws on the way home, where I enjoyed one of the best cups of tea I have had for a while that I didn't make myself. Hot and flavoursome with just the right amount of milk
So did anything get broken today? Yes - a phone charger cable frayed beyond use, Neil's chair in the pub was broken, and the waistband of my jeans could take no more and came apart under the strain. I wouldn't call any of those things frangible, except when poetic licence is required for blogging purposes!

Salad & jacket potato for dinner, a bit of TV and an early night. I have to be a lift engineer's assistant tomorrow AND be back to collect the grandchildren from school, so I need to be on form. I've had a great day


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