Thursday 26 November 2015


Now, if there was ever a WOTD that applied to me, it's gormandize. meaning 'to eat greedily or ravenously' it has come to us from the French gourmand meaning a person who is fond of good eating. That's me, in a nutshell (not that you'd get much of me in one of those). 
I have always had a difficult relationship with food, I know not why, or when it started. I know that my Mother's diary records that I had started at weight watchers, and I think I was about 16 at the time. I have been fighting with food ever since - sometimes I think I am winning, and sometimes food wins - I call this the 'Marjory Daw' approach to dieting.
I have reached weights where I think I look amazing; 

something then undermines all my hard work and I end up podge of the year! I am very happy though, and will always find the will to lose a few pounds sometime during the year.
Somewhere along the line I learned to eat very fast, as if I were frightened the meal was going to be taken away from me. I also like to think it is to eat it before it gets cold, but I eat salad just as fast. I am just a gormandizer!

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