Thursday 19 November 2015


This word cannot apply to me. Does not apply to me. Even on a cold winter Sunday, I do not stay in bed. I rejoice in the appearance of the new day and cannot bear to let it slide by while I sleep. Very occasionally, so rarely that it causes comment, we will doze off for an hour after our morning tea, but 6.30 is time for tea, whatever day it is.

Neil was using my car again today and had to go to Surrey, so was a bit late back. I forgot I had a podiatrist appointment at 5.45 and had to scramble to find her phone number to let her know I might not be on time. We arrived home to find her still outside the house, even though I was 15 minutes late. What a star! I love having my feet cared for by a professional. I don't go for all the polished nails and stuff (I would never want MY feet on show) but just proper foot and nail care is a valuable part of my healthcare routine. 

Tesco delivery brought our daily bread (and mayonnaise, and chicken, etc, etc. ) so we had dinner of sausages, tomato pasta, mushrooms and curried chicken and rice. Weird combo, but tasty!

Read Brooklytrek, then early night (oops , forgot to publish this last night)

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