Saturday 7 November 2015


I started the day as I always do on a Saturday - preparing Neil's business invoices for dispatch, and I was not ecouraged to go out as it was pouring with rain. We finished putting up shelves in the kitchen cupboard, which please me greatly.
Today's word of the day is Mauka, an Hawaiian adverb meaning 'toward the mountain, inland'
We planned to go inland (not by much, about 2 miles) to visit my father-in-law, but this idea was abandoned and we went into Bexhill town centre, distinctly downhill and seaward. How was I going to encompass the WOTD in my day? Our nearest mountain is Beachy Head on the South Downs.
Neil had a voucher for a free cream tea at Jempsons, so we popped in there for a welcome diversion from the wind and rain outside. We did a bit of shopping and returned home where I settled down to do battle with posting my blog to facebook (easy when you know how).
Suddenly Neil appeared in the study with excitement written all over his face - he had just received an invitation to a meeting of MG/Rover owners tomorrow, and they are all going for a run to (wait for it....) Beachy Head! So we are both going mauka tomorrow, together with a lot of like-minded MG pals. 

We enjoyed last night's indian meal so much that we had enhanced remains of the day tonight and I am really pushing the boat out with a Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime cider. Music by Nad Sylvan, Beatles, Canned Heat and Prog compilation P33.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to brandish a yellow card. It is word of the day, not word for tomorrow! I am going to have to write your name down in my little book here. One more time shift of your mauka and I will inform the Hawaiians. Ok, carry on.
