Thursday 12 November 2015


I love the word for Wednesday - 'Magnanimous'. I enjoy the sound of the word, and the noble sentiment behind it. For it means generosity of spirit, easy in forgiving an insult or injury, free from petty resentfulness. And we would all wish to be like that, all the time, wouldn't we? Wouldn't we?
It was a strange day at work, with a busy hour, followed by an intense staff meeting, followed by a corporate lunch. Then everyone other than me went to a target sports afternoon - you know the sort of thing: bow and arrow, rifle shooting, axe throwing (yes!), all harmless fun. I decided, for my own personal reasons, to opt out of this particular variety of team bonding event. They may as well have asked me to go skiing.
This left me in the office alone, and I did some essential tasks before sliding out 3/4 hour early. Why did I feel naughty? I have flexi-time. Maybe because no-one had expressly told me I could go early, but then I hadn't asked. 
Anyway, it was great to get away early to Crawley, to see Dave Gorman, one of my favourite comedians, getting 'straight to the point', ably supported by Nick Doody. We were very late home, which explains why this blog is late.

During our delicious pre-show meal, I had a text exchange with a friend of mine. She has recently had a birthday and we had agreed to spend a few pleasant hours together chatting, eating, maybe a bit of shopping or a film. My friend has made various changes to the original plan, all of which I have accepted unless it involves driving at night which I find difficult and stressful (i'm not talking about the 10 mph crawl home in traffic on lit roads). Finally, my friend has postponed the date indefinitely until 'you are not so rushed'. 
I like to think that at this point I show my magnanimity, that I am free from petty resentfulness, easily forgiving an insult. But it took me a full 24hours to achieve that happy state of mind. She has been my friend for 20 years or more, and I am happy to meet her on her terms, at a time and place of her choosing, even if she does change it 10 times in the process. 

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