Sunday 22 November 2015


This wotd is easy to guess from the better known congratulation.  The wotd means feelings or expressions of joy. I got some of those feelings today when the sun came out after a seriously cold start,  and we had  blue sky and for a trip to John's Cross to look at the latest motorhomes.  We saw one which was very tempting but we put our sensible hats on and walked away. The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent catching up on essential paperwork and watching some of the TV that I have recorded recently.  I particularly like watching 'landscape artist of the year'.  People seem to get great satisfaction from painting and if I had to learn a new skill in my retirement,  I'd like to have a go. I have no reason to believe that I have any artistic talent but I'd like to try.  It may help with my current feelings of disquiet which come from I know not where. 
 Early night.


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