Monday 16 November 2015


This WOTD had me completely foxed, and my rudimentary knowledge of Latin was no help. It means 'urging to some course of action; exhorting; encouraging; as in a hortatory speech'.

I suppose that in these days of social networking, the idea that someone would give a hortatory speech is rather ludicrous, as they are all posted on facebook, and shared to millions in a few hours. The many and varied (each one correct, no doubt) courses of action that I should take following the Paris attrocities came thick and fast - do this, don't do that, these are the real culprits, no THESE are the real culprits, and so on until you end up not knowing what to think, whether your instincts are correct, or who to turn to for the unvarnished truth.

High winds and lashing rain this morning as Neil and I headed off to Eastbourne to swap cars at MG revival, his to have some work done and get 'blinged up' a bit. So he did a few jobs in Eastbourne and then home in my car.

I love Mondays (unlike the song) as I get to meet Evie and Max from school and spend a couple of hours with them. Tonight we played scrabble, and they let me win. I'm sure it won't always be like this.

Emily came to give my nails some more strenthening medicine, then it was dinner, blog,  bed. Neil is out with Andy at a Waterboys gig at the DLWP.

1 comment:

  1. If I may suggest a link within your blog, I think that The Waterboys song from decades back, "That was the river, this is the sea" could be described as hortatory...
