Tuesday 10 November 2015


Word of the day is perfect for me,  and for my blog.  It's what I'm doing,  what drives me to commit to writing this daily page;  'logophile' -  a lover of words.  I suppose it's my inheritance and something I share with my siblings and many members of my extended family.  I was not surprised to find bananagrams being played in the Kennedy house,  and everyone pleased to join in.  The online games I play are mostly word games and I love crosswords and scrabble.
 Tuesday still feels like a strange day to be starting the working week,  I must try to stop thinking it's Monday. A taxi driver tried to mow me down at the notorious Ravenside roundabout,  and would have driven into me if I hadn't let him in.  Bully!
Today was busy and productive at work and I put my love of words to work,  drafting the first few pages of the new staff handbook.  What a legacy I will leave behind in that document!
Dinner was chicken, JP,  vegetables,  chocolate ice cream.  No footie,  so I got to choose TV,  which was a nature programme about Scotland followed by a knock out pottery competition.  Stupidly early to bed, but sitting doing this until 11pm.  For the first time this year I feel cold.

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