Wednesday 25 November 2015


This WOTD made me laugh, as I know several people to whom this definition can be applied. It means 'doting upon, or fondly submissive towards ones wife'. I won't name names, but you know who you are.... It has nothing to do with today's blog though.

This blog is late, because sometimes it is just not possible to get everything done in the evening and I was late home because I had to shop for bathroom fittings. The tiling being done so assiduously by Jacob is nearing completion, so it is time for a new paint job and towel rails etc to be fixed. I would like to get the work completed by Christmas, but this is looking increasingly unlikely. Here is a picture of what they used to look like before we started.

 I expect these turquoise fittings were installed when the house was built, they have '70's' written all over them.There is carpet on the bathroom floor (yuck) and the toilet cistern is stuck to the wall because it collapsed one day on Neil in situ. Our landlord is very accomodating (pun intended) and made no objection to being asked to pay for a new bathroom & toilet. We paid for the bleach, though!

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