Saturday 14 November 2015


Today's news has been dominated by the reports from Paris where 127 (at least) are known to have died in a night of the most unspeakable, disgusting murder of innocent people enjoying an evening out. Lots of brave words have been publicly spoken by important people, but I hope that there is something more than rhetoric and empty threats. 
Of course, the real evil in all these outbreaks of violence, whether a crazed pupil seeking revenge at the school that expelled him 3 years ago, or the religious fanatic seeking to destroy the infidel, or the policeman stopping a suspect after a robbery is the explosive. Killing someone with a knife or a brick is possible, and will always happen but you can't kill hundreds of people in one go. Take the guns and bombs away from the terrorists and they would have to find other ways to convert you to their point of view. Sure, there are plenty of ways that people can find to be vile to other people, but none is so deadly as the explosive. In my ideal world there would be no explosives.
Today's word is 'indefatigable' which means tireless or unflagging. I take this means in a spritual rather than a physical way and I hope that the western nations will, jointly, be indefatigable in seeking out these terrorists and showing them that the guns they use, the trucks and cars they drive, the internet they use to spread their cancerous message were all invented by the very nations that they are now seeking to obliterate. 
It has been a wet and windy day, so I didn't venture out at all until I went to Philippa's for a 'girlie' night. It is really an excuse for me to have a one-to-one chat with my daughter-in-law. She cooked a lovely dinner of lasagne & garlic bread, we had wine & Baileys, and cheescake for pud. It didn't really matter that Jacob was there too - he made himself scarce after dinner and Philippa and I had a great natter.
We need to make more space for 12" vinyl records, so we have started a cull on our old 7" 'singles'. Many of them are neither valuable nor enjoyable, and many of them I had completely forgotten about so they are going to the charity shop. Abba singles anyone?

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