Monday 23 November 2015


I love this word - splendiferous! So much more than splendid, magnificent or fine, the given definitions. With the accent on the second syllable, it has a power and emphasis missing from mere splendid.
Now, I have had a splendiferous day. I have done all the ironing. I have caught up on paperwork. I have resolved a long standing problem with my computer (took the techie guy about 2 minutes!), renewed the house contents insurance, changed the bedding and all before 2.30 when I left to collect Evie & Max from school. The children were fun and we played silly games on the I-pad
With no Facebook, I phoned and SPOKE TO my brother Christopher to wish him a happy birthday and this evening Neil and I watched a documentary 'Wider Horizons' about David Gilmour. It was a most enjoyable shared experience.

The biggest change was that I cooked dinner, 'creamy fish & brocoli pie' which was completely delicious, the start of random Monday, when I shall choose and cook a recipe we have never tried before. Had Neil known about today's WOTD, he would have said the dinner was splendiferous, he was full of praise and ate the lot!

Early night, GP appointment first thing tomorow.

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