Tuesday 24 November 2015


It had to happen - a WOTD so obscure that I didn't think I could apply it to my day at all. But the foremost meaning of 'penetralia' is 'the most private or secret things', (so it seems to be a plural noun) and is the nominalisation of the Latin 'penetrare', to penetrate.
The burden of secrets has never sat easily on my shoulders, except the happy Christmas-present sort of secret, for 2 reasons. When in possession of someone else's secret, you are bound to stay silent about it for ever, then you find out that everyone else knew about it anyway, so you feel a ninny (although you should feel proud of keeping the secret). 

If it is your own secret, you have to be very sure before telling anyone else - sure that they will keep quiet for ever. I instinctively mistrust those who tell me other people's secrets - would they be equally careless with mine? So I don't have much in the way of penetralia - I am very open and honest, I can't stand secrecy and lies and the currency of my life is truth. The few grains of secret things will go with me to the grave.

Today has not gone ATP. My doctor was off sick, so my appointment was cancelled and Neil had to attend a breakdown in Surrey at 5pm, so decided to stay there overnight. Although I miss him enormously when he is not here, it did mean that I could watch 3 concurrent episodes of Downton Abbey, so I am now up to date. And I could sneak certain secret things into the house for coming festivities.


  1. Guilty pleasures are often, by definition, a good example of penetralia. Like a band that you know it's socially unacceptable to like, but secretly, you do. And if we're in the business of truth, then I ate one of your yoghurts one evening during bathroom/toilet work. Gulp...

  2. If stealing a yogurt is the worst you can do, then I can live with that. Next time you're here, please steal my Abba records, something I never want to reveal that I have.Oh...

  3. Don't you dare share anything about the Abbey!!! In the past Tess has watched along with the Brit showing.. but she was good enough to keep quiet. It does not get shown in North America until January-Feb, so we need our space....
