Saturday 28 November 2015


Very good, to come up with this WOTD on black Friday. Oniomania is 'an uncontrollable desire to buy things' a nice hybrid of Greek & Latin, via Germany. 
I am sure that real oniomania is an unpleasant medical condition that results in your house being stuffed full of unwanted items, I don't think it relates to people who love to do a bit of shopping.

My father once said to me, when I had pestered him once too often for my own radio, 'you,my girl, are too acquisitive and one day it will get you into trouble'. He DID let me borrow the money to buy the radio, but he made me pay back every penny.
He was right, of course (your parents are so often proved right in the end) and my acquisitive nature - not exactly oniomania, but close - coupled with the laissez-faire attitude of credit-card companies in the past (they're better nowadays) enabled me to get into all sorts of 'trouble' along the road of life.

I guess that you learn eventually that material possessions are like the tiny ropes used by the Lilliputians to tie down and imprison Gulliver and that they don't really set you free in any meaningful way. I have always wanted the minimalist home, and have failed miserably to come even close. Time for a clear-out? 
NS & I had a great evening at 1a with Sarah (for her birthday) & Blue, Jacob & Philippa, chinese takeaway, lots of lovely family time. Can't beat it!

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